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Parents & Students

Be There

Will You Be There?

Raising a child is the most challenging responsibility for any parent, grandparent or guardian. As the child grows, you want to maintain and/or improve your relationship, but your schedule, job, phone calls and household chores can provide unwanted distractions.

504/PST Contacts

504 - Melissa Woodward

PST - Wendy Buckman

Volusia County Schools has an easy way for you to Be There for your child on a daily basis. When you’re going through the ordinary routines of driving to school, preparing a meal, doing the laundry, shopping for groceries, just take a single moment and make eye contact, smile, give a hug or ask a question. Connecting with your child doesn’t have to take time or cost you money. A touching Be There moment can happen in a split second, in any place. The results will be extraordinary. You can be your child’s favorite teacher by creating a teachable moment during these everyday situations.

“Parent involvement is a key factor in student success,” says Margaret Smith, Superintendent of Schools. “What’s most interesting about the research on this topic is that it’s the parent’s role outside of school, their involvement at home, that has the greatest impact on student achievement.”

It is our children, the students, who have the most to gain when we, as parents, mentors, grandparents or simply an adult who cares about our future, takes the time to show it. When one adult takes a moment to Be There, it matters.

Please take a moment to visit the Be There web site to learn more about how you can help.

Checking Out

If your child needs to be excused during the school day, please send a note in the morning or call the office. Make sure to include a phone number where you can be easily reached so that we may contact you if any questions arise. A PARENT OR GUARDIAN MUST COME TO THE SCHOOL OFFICE AND SIGN OUT A CHILD. Parents MAY NOT go directly to the classroom to pick up their child. Teachers will not release a student during the school day unless this procedure is followed. Due to the priority placed on instructional time at PTE, any check-outs after 1:30p.m. will require administrative approval.

Parents & Students Resources